Friday, June 8, 2012

Yeah, It Sucks at Times

I'm now three days post op and am having times of "buyers remorse". The pain in the big incision has been excruciating at times. I finally called my doctor's office and asked for something stronger. Thank goodness they had no issue calling it in. My Mom is going to go get it in a little while. I'm looking forward to some real relief! On the protein side of things, I'm sucking. I cannot tolerate my protein shakes at this point so the only protein I'm getting is the little bit on the milk that is used to thin my soup. I made a post on the VST boards about it and people told me to focus on hydration right now. That makes sense. Not having much protein on a short term basis won't put me in the hospital. Not getting adequate hydration could. I'm not up to the 64 ounces they want me to be at yet, but I'm working at it. Who knew that getting in all this fluid would feel like working a full-time job?

Knowing what I know now, would I do this again? Yeah, more than likely I would. At times I think I wouldn't, but I do know what I'm going through now is temporary and the benefits I get in the long run will make it all worth it.


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