Monday, June 18, 2012

Post Op Day 13

I had my 2 week postop appointment today and all is well.  Actually, all is really good.  Everything except my protein intake which I still struggle with but Brittany, the PA I saw, wasn't too concerned this early out.  Oh, and the fact that I am still on liquids.  I just cannot wait until next Tuesday when I can eat some real food.  Mushies, as they call it.  That opens up a lot of things like mashed potatoes, refried beans, canned tuna and chicken, thinly sliced lunch meat, jello.  Lots of things.  I think you get the picture.  As of my appointment today, I'm now cleared to take a bath.  My oh my have I missed my baths.  In the evenings, I typically take a relaxing bath more days of the week than I don't.  I may have to start taking them tonight.  I hope it is as good as I think it will be.

On another note, be careful and don't overdo things.  Yesterday and today my left side, where my big incision was, has been hurting.  It has also brought me almost to tears a couple of times.  I talked to Brittany about this at my appointment today.  She told me they see tons of patients and get tons of calls from patients right around the 2 week mark who complain of the same thing.  She said right before 2 weeks patients ususally start feeling good and start doing things and they end up lifting too much or bending and twisting too much without realizing it until later.  Well, she hit the nail on the head.  I have been feeling better and I started doing little projects around the house this weekend.  They actually encourage such to help build the stamina lost from surgery.  Wouldn't you know, those "little" projects ended up with me hurting the following 2 days.  Brittany assured me that I didn't do any damage to myself.  I just irritated that area of my abdomen which is still healing.  Hello pain meds again.  I've sure needed them the last two days.

Today, I spent a few hours with my Momma and sister.  It's my birthday and we went for pedicures.  My mom treated me!  I also got some cool gifts from them.  It was a really good day.  It always is when I get to hang out with my mom and sister.  Especially, when I get to hang out with both of them at the same time.  We are all 3 close, but it sure doesn't seem like we all 3 get to spend time together very often.  I'm glad we got to today.

I've completed my first 4 weeks of documenting my weight and measurements.  I am down a total of 27.8 pounds.  My measurements though stayed exactly the same so I won't post those yet.  Here's my next weight progress picture:

Until next time....


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