Monday, June 4, 2012

Preop Diet - Day 14/Surgery Eve

The preop diet is done.......well, except for my final protein shake. I'm about ready to have it though and then that will be it except water up to 10 pm at which time I'm cut off. I got a call from the doctor's office this morning to tell me what time to be at the hospital. Yikes! 4 am is my arrival time. I thought I had a 7 am surgery. When I asked the nurse what time surgery was she said "a couple of hours after you get here". Surely, that means I'm the first of the day. I hope there aren't several of us arriving that time and that my surgery is still at 7 am. All I know is I don't think I will be getting much sleep tonight. Between being a night owl, the excitement and the nerves, who knows if I'll get any sleep. I guess there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow and the days to come.

Like I mentioned, I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. My nerves aren't really about going under as much as they are about what to expect afterwards. I guess you could say the fear of the unknown. I too am a little anxious about the fact that the majority of my stomach will be gone for forever. Yeah, I know that's the point here, but it still oogs me out somewhat.

Well, wish me luck. I will be back to blogging as soon as I can.


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