Sunday, June 24, 2012


I think I may have mentioned this before, but since the beginning of my VSG journey, I've become friends with two ladies I initially "met" on the boards. We all three had surgery on the same day, at the same hospital by the same doctor. It has been such a blessing to have these women in my life. There is no better support than that of someone who had surgery the same day and by the same doctor as me. If you can find someone like that before you have surgery, I would HIGHLY recommend it. If it isn't someone who has the same doctor as you, at least have friend who had surgery the same day. It's amazing having that support and friendship. One of the two ladies, Kristi, lives quite a few hours away. I wish she lived closer so we could hang out, but none-the-less I enjoy our new friendship....even if it is mostly a phone friendship. Regardless of the distance between is, she is still becoming a great friend and someone I look forward to having in my life For many more years to come.

My next source of support is the support group offered at a local hospital. It is for people or friends and loved ones of people who have had, are getting ready to have or are considering weight loss surgery. It is only once a month but I look forward to seeing the other lady I met, Donna, there. I also look forward to making other friends from there.

Another source of real live support I'm hoping to ne involved with also comes from the VST boards. There is a subforum on the boards for people to commect whomlive in the same geographical area. Another lady and I are starting up a group from there that can meet up regularly for get togethers and support. I love this idea! We all suffer with food issues and we all have had or will soon be having sleeve surgery. We can all understand each other in ways "outsiders" cannot.

I really think don't think a person can have too much support. Yes, our physicians physically limited the amount of food we can take in, thus resulting in weight loss. However, it is only a tool. It is very possible to "cheat the sleeve", as they say. That can lead to less success in losing and/or maintaining weight.

I've also mentioned in a post about the idea of counseling. I've pretty much decided I need to do this, at least for awhile anyway. I've never had counseling and the idea of picking up the phone and making that initial call is intimidating. I really need to do it soon though. It definitely can't hurt and since I've met my maximum out of pocket for 2012, it would be free. I would be stupid not to take advantage of that support.

On a final note about support, I count myself very blessed to have the support of my family, my best friend, Shawna and my other friends. I definitely couldn't do this without them. There are people who don't have the support of some of their family and friends and I feel so bad for them and it makes me that much more thankful for the support I do already have.


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