Thursday, May 24, 2012

Preop Diet - Day 3

Well, today is a better day.  I'm still not sure how I am going to get through having to use liquid protein other than to just do it.  I don't have to like it.  I just have to drink it.  Sometimes that just seems easier than others.  Like right now, it seems like such a simple statement but that is probably because I'm done with them for today and don't have to stress about it until tomorrow  On a positive note, I've already lost about 6 pounds.  Yeah, it's just water weight, but hey, it's a start right?

I've mentioned before that I am planning on tracking my journey in multiple ways and then putting it in a scrapbook format.  I will be weighing weekly.  Once a month I am going to take pictures, do my measurements and redo my fitness tests.  I plan on posting them here too.  That's a little scary for me because, without my picture on here, I feel somewhat anonymous should someone I know come across this blog.  However, anyone who knows me in real life would know this is my blog after reading it.  I don't think with alot of the details in here that it would be hard to figure out.  Maybe I'm more worried about them seeing my stats.  Outside of doctors, no one in real life knows my weight.  Not even my best friend who knows EVERYTHING else about me.  Aw well, I need to get over those fears and just do it, right?

I hope everyone is doing well!  Happy Friday Eve.


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