Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Date and Protein Liquid/Powder

First, I have yet another date.  I have something at work that only I do and really need to get one of my coworkers trained on it before I can be out.  I'm in the process of doing that, but didn't think I'd be ready by May 22nd so I've pushed it off for two more weeks and am now scheduled for June 5th.  I hope that is my final date.

Now, on to the protein thing.  I think a ton of us struggle with the liquid/powder forms of protein. It seems to be a contanst topic of discussion on the support boards I frequent  I know this issue had me struggling bigtime.  I just couldn't find anything tolerable despite having tried quite a few different things.  I am probably the pickiest person in the world about what I eat and drink. I like absolutely no type of artificial sweetener which presents a huge problem in finding a protein source for the preop and postop diets. I just cannot find one I stand.  They all make me gag. Needless to say, I have been very stressed about what to do and was even trying to figure out if I could do this without having to use a protein powder/liquid. Yeah, I know, not a good thing and I knew that. However, in being totally honest, it crossed my mind to try and avoid the liquid/powder forms of protein and just start getting it in once I could do it post op with food.

I totally understand that we all have different likes and dislikes but in all my reading and trying to find something that could work, I noticed that for every person who recommended a protein powder/liquid, there were just as many or more that said they couldn't stand that particular protein source. But, recently I noticed so many posts recommending Premier RTD Protein. The opposite though wasn't true. Unlike the other protein recommendations having just as many or more hating a particular recommendation, I didn't see that trend with Premier RTD Protein. I thought there just has to be something to these things so I made a decision to try yet another protein recommendation. However, you can only get it at Sam's or Costco and I don't have a card for either of those places but my Mom does. We had plans to hang out today so I asked her if we could go there to get some so I didn't have to buy a membership only to find out I don't like the darn drinks. Don't ya just love my positive attitude??? :-) Anyway, we made it to Costco and I picked up a case of chocolate Premier RTD protein.  As soon as I got home, I put one in the freezer to get it cold quickly. After about an hour and a half it was nice and cold. I opened it up knowing I wouldn't like it, but I was wrong. Yippppeee!!!!! I've never been so happy in my life to be wrong about something.

The chocolate has no vitamin, protein, gritty, lumpy or chalky taste. I cannot taste any artificial sweetner and it has absolutely zero aftertaste. It tastes just like a chocolatey chocolate milk. Just like the full flavor stuff with all the calories and sugar and fat but without all that.  It only has 160 calories, 3 grams of fat and 1 carb.  Man, it was really good.  If I had to pick one thing "negative" to say about it, it would be that it is very chocolately. That could be good if I'm having a craving for sweets. If I'm not, I could tone it down with milk. The benefit of that is I've added even a little more protein to it by using some milk. I totally cannot wait to try different things with this drink like making it more of a shake and by adding some banana and/or PB2 to it.

So.....If you have yet to find a liquid/powder protein souce and you haven't tried Premier RTD protein, I highly recommend you try it.  I seriously cannot tell you how picky I am and the fact that I'm highly recommending these is something else. Now, all this being said, I know not everyone will lke these. I just wanted to tell others my experience in hopes it can help someone else like others helped me by what they posted about it.


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