Friday, May 18, 2012

Pre Op Diet

So this weekend is my last weekend to eat whatever and how much ever I want.  My preop diet starts this Tuesday.  This Tuesday....Oh crap, that is only a few days away!  I can do this, right?  I'm so scared of the low carb thing.  I.LOVE.MY.CARBS!  I am so nervous about this preop diet.  Heck, I'm more nervous for it than the actual surgery.  How crazy is that??? Yeah, crazy, I know.  I just have to keep reminding myself that it is only for 2 weeks....14 days.  That is the blink of an eye in the whole scheme of life.  Plus, there's a "prize" at the end of those 14 days.  My new life will begin.  June 5, 2012 will always be a special day to me just as January 18, 2006, the day I quit smoking, is. 

I'm mostly prepared but still working on the final things.  I live alone so this weekend I'm cleaning out my pantry, fridge and freezer.  I'm getting rid of all the junk that I can't have on my preop diet and that I don't want to have after my surgery.  I also wanna make a list of things to pack.  I will be in the hospital up to 2 nights.  Then, I will be staying with my parents until I feel ready to go home.  I need to get my vitamins organized and find a medicine reminder for my phone and get everything put in there.

As I mentioned before, I love to scrapbook.  More specifically, digital scrapbook.  I plan to document this journey here as well as in digital scrapbook format with pictures, measurements and fitness scores.  In the Weight Loss For Dummies book they have a way to help measure your fitness levels.  They have you do certain things that "measure" your upper and lower body as well as your abdominal strength and you retake the "tests" over time to see how you are progressing.  I guess I need to do those "tests" this weekend too as well as take my measurement and some pictures.

Okay, so I have a little more than I originally thought to do, but it is all quite doable this weekend.  I'm off Monday for my preop, so I have and extra day to get things done.  Oh heck, preop.  There's another thing I need do too.  I need to quit typing as my list keeps getting longer.  

So overall, I am really excited.  This surgery gives me hope which is something I haven't had a lot of lately.  Here's lookin' toward the future.....



  1. You can do it. Just keep reminding yourself how much you want this to work. Wishing you luck!!
    (Found you on OH Forum.)

  2. Hey girl! Found you on VST. I lived in DFW for 9 years and am about to move back around the 1st of the year (I can't take it up north here anymore!!)

    Can't wait to follow your journey, I am a band to sleeve revisioner and am set for revision surgery in about 20 days!


  3. PS I can't find the button to follow your blog?!???

    1. Hi trishajo. I added a follow box to my blog. Just enter your e-mail address.

  4. Hi Amy, is there any way you can share the fit tests from the book, I'd like to get a baseline before surgery. So looking forward to getting moving again!!! I just read about that book recently, is it good?

    1. Send me your e-mail to and I will be glad to type them out and send them to you. They are a little long to post here. To save time, are you female or male? That way, I don't have to do both.
