Well, I thought my stall was over. I actually did better two weeks ago when I thought I was in a stall then I did last week when I only lost .6. Ugh! Not even a whole pound. What is up with that? I guess this is all part of the process and it happens, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. I have had to stop several times today and look at the big picture. I have lost 44.2 pound since beginning my preop diet. That's an average of close to 5 pounds a week which, by any standards, is awesome. So that is the picture I choose to keep remembering. Or, at least try to keep remembering.
I'm trying very hard to live in the moment, but something keeps entering my head and I can't get it to stop. Last Thursday at my 6 week postop appointment, Brittany (the P.A.) was thrilled with my weight loss and told me I should probably be down 80 pounds by my 6 month postop visit on December 7th. Now, I feel this pressure to live up to that and it makes me a little panicky that I didn't lose but .6 this week. I've yet to set any goals for myself weight-wise. In other words, I've yet to say I will lose x pounds by x date and Brittany did that. It was a positive thing as she was pointing out how awesome I will feel by Christmas. I truly don't think she was purposely setting a goal for me. She just knows what people do weight loss wise and was giving me an idea where I'd be the next time we see each other. But, that has now put a goal in my head that I feel like I have to meet. Otherwise, I will feel like......well, I'm not sure what, but I know I won't feel good. I know I won't be a failure if I don't get to that goal by December 7th, but it will kinda feel like that.
Okay, wait. After typing that last paragraph I figured it out. I need to lose 36 pounds in 19 weeks to make that goal set by Brittany. That's about 1.9 pounds average per week. Hey, I can do that, right? Already, I'm feeling much better. Ugh! I need to get back to living more in the moment and not looking so much to the future. I've been so good about it and I'm gonna get back to it. I feel so much better that way.
Alright, I think I've rambled enough for now about my insecurties so I'll close for now. I hope everyone is rockin' their sleeve!
I've been trying not to set weight loss related goal because that's something that I don't have complete control over. Instead I've been trying to set goal about tracking what I eat, taking my vitamins, exercise, etc... All the behaviors that will lead me to the outcome I ultimately want. I know it is easier said than done to not look at the weight loss numbers but I'm trying.
ReplyDeleteGirl, I think we're living parallel weight loss lives!! LOL I am pretty sure I am stalled, too... been right at 300 now for almost a week (besides that glorious sat morning when I saw that fleeting 299.6) -- I didn't even want to dare speak the "S" word, but I think that's whats happening... and I've had to tell myself the same things you have "I've lost XXX lbs since surgery and that's great"... and I, too, haven't set actual Weight loss # goals.. they kinda freak me out, too.... =S