Monday, July 16, 2012

The Stall is Over

The title says it all....the stall is over.  I am down 6.2 since last Monday's weigh in.  Woo! Hoo!  On another note, I went shopping this weekend.  I started out at a size 28 in pants and a 4X in tops.  I've been wearing my 26's and 3X's in my closet but they are loose.  I didn't know if they were loose enough though to go down yet another size.  However, I was about to find out.  I went shopping last weekend and initially grabbed two pairs of pants, the same pants but one is a 26 and the other in a 24.  I did the same thing with a shirt only got a 3X and a 2X.  The smaller ones of both fit!!!  I haven't worn those sizes in quite awhile so I was very pleased.  It took me what felt like a long time to lose 1 size, but the 2nd size went quick.  I hope they continue to go quick! 

On another note, tomorrow is the day I have no food restriction anymore.  Well, other than the foods my sleeve says I can't eat.  I went shopping and picked up some things that I haven't been able to have before like fruit and nuts.  Also, I got some pasta.  Anyone who knows me in real life knows of my love for pasta.  I was shocked to find out a half cup of uncooked pasta has 7 grams of protein.  I like to add cheese to mine so that adds more protein.  I'm stoked and no, I don't care about the carbs in it.  For one, I'm trying to get in protein and am mostly watching that and my calories with less concentration on my carb intake.  For two, although high in carbs, it is a low glycemic index food which means the carbs break down more slowly, releasing glucose more gradually into the bloodstream and that is a good thing.

So today I am happy and I look so forward to my future now.  I've only lost a small portion of the weight I need to, but man do I feel better.  My body just doesn't hurt the way it did before and I'm noticing other small things that are so much easier to do.  Is it possible to be in love with a body part?  If so, I'm in love with my sleeve.  My surgeon told me I'd hate him for awhile then I'd love him.  I'd say I'm in the "I'd love him stage".  My sleeve is my favorite body part and while he doesn't know it, I think my surgeon is my new BFF. :-)

I hope everyone is kicking butt in their journey!


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