Monday, April 9, 2012

OMG....I Have a Date!

I went to my intial appointment with Dr. Nicholson today and was very impressed with him.  He was very patient and took time to answer my questions and never made me feel like he was rushing me.   At the end of the appointment, he sent me to this lady who was going to tell me what to do next.  Little did I know that she would ask me if I was ready to schedule surgery.  It caught me off guard, but I went ahead and threw caution to the wind and did it.  May 29th is my date.  At least for the moment.  I'm already off work that week.  It's just a week I scheduled to use some of my 6 weeks of vacation.  I do need to check and make sure it will be okay if I'm off the following week too.  Oh, and I just spent 2 weeks up north in another one of our offices training on a business we are now handling in our office.  Right now, I am the only one in my office who knows how to do it.  Since it is time sensitive, I also have to make sure someone is trained to handled it and will be okay with it in my absence.  But for now, I'm on for May 29th!  After my appointment with Dr. Nicholson, I met with the representative with Bariatric Advantage.  Ugh!  This protein shake and non-pill vitamin thing is going to be TOUGH!  I have to keep reminding myself the taste of that "junk" won't kill me and it is only temporary.  I'm hoping at some point in this process I become acclamated to sugar substitute so that I don't mind it so bad.   

On another note, I have my sinus surgery on Wednesday.  I am SOOOO ready for it.  My family has been saying for a long time I needed to see an ENT and I just kept putting it off.  Now that I finally did and now that I know I need surgery, I've can't wait for it to happen.  I'm tired of sinus headaches, swollen sinus passages, fluid filled ears and most of all, the 5+ sinus infections I get every year between October and March.

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